The mercenary group, the Expendables, led by Barney Ross, leads a mission to rescue a former Expendable, Doctor Death, from a heavily guarded military convoy. Later on, the team is then assigned to take down a warlord, in which they come face to face with the team's co-founder Conrad Stonebanks. In the past, Ross was forced to kill Stonebanks after he became a ruthless arms trader, but Stonebanks survived and has now made it his mission to destroy the Expendables. After the loss of one of the team's members, Ross disbands his old team and resorts to recruiting a new and younger generation of Expendables with the help of Bonaparte to help the team overcome his old adversary. However, at one point the mission becomes a failure, in which the older and the younger generations now have to put their rivalry behind them and work together to overcome Stonebanks and his ruthless army.
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